I trusted you, I put my faith in you. You are not the original GrandVitaMortem I have met. Time and power has tainted your views, you have succumb to everything we fought against. You were a good man to me, you were someone I respected and was willing to serve thousands of hours of my life for to assist in your endeavors. Conquistiamo Domani, We Conqure Tomorrow, a motto you introduced me to. To move through the struggles of today and make it to tomorrow a better man. It seems you have forgotten this motto, this past year you have been living with the ghosts of your past haunting and lashing out on anyone who is not directly agreeing with your stance. Today you have shown me your true colors for the final time. I bid you farewell Grand, yours truly NotInTheBand.
Upon attempting to leave the Mortisian Syndicate I received flak from GrandVitaMortem in my sleep. I had passively left the place hoping to finally separate myself from what has been destroying my mental health. By the time I have woken up I have received a 1 week temporary Timeout in the Mortisian Syndicate Discord and was removed from the VRC group.
As I was leaving the Mortisian Syndicate earlier this morning on 12/19/2023, I had set all the Syndicate Discords I operated and owned to Private. I wanted to see how Grand would react in the time I slept to waking up as I have seen him go a bit psycho over people who have spent years of their life like myself in the Syndicate doing staff work. Turns out I've received screenshots in that short period of time that blamed me for someone else leaving the Syndicate which I ironically had no doing in, more we found out we felt the same.
This was the only Syndicate communication to me before passing out and the Syndicate turning a toxic hand towards my fairly passive and quiet leaving.
The original un-edited document I wrote to hopefully solve an issue sent to someone within the very top of the Syndicate roles who never investigated the issue prior to my leaving.
Pt 1.5
Now the High Staff of the Syndicate harasses my girlfriend and claims they own Zerg lore :)
Keep it up and Part 2 will release with much more.